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EXPAND ɪkˈspænd

08 Aug 2023


  • to become larger in size or number.
Example Sentence: The company is going to expand to China and Japan.

DISPUTE dɪˈspyut

04 Aug 2023


  • argument.
Example Sentence: He left the company after a dispute with his manager.

CONSORTIUM kənˈsɔrʃiəm

30 Jul 2023


  • a group of companies that cooperate and share resources.
Example Sentence: The company is part of an international consortium.

FOLLOW UP fɒloʊ ʌp

28 Jul 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • get more information.
Example Sentence: The manager has said he would follow up the idea.


27 Jul 2023


  • the state of being secret.
Example Sentence: I am giving you this information in complete confidentiality.

COMMUTE kəˈmyut

26 Jul 2023


  • to travel to and from a city every day for work.
Example Sentence: I commute to work by train, a round-trip distance of 40 miles.

COHERENT koʊˈhɪərənt

24 Jul 2023


  • well-organised (typically used to describe a text or speech)
Example Sentence: He gave a coherent argument for making all drugs legal.

CHECKOUT tʃɛkˌaʊt

22 Jul 2023


  • the place in a shop or supermarket where you pay.
Example Sentence: When he went to the checkout he realised he had no money.


21 Jul 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • to cancel an event.
Example Sentence: They called off the meeting as there wasn't a room available.

BRISK brɪsk

20 Jul 2023


  • quick and lively.
Example Sentence: Business has been brisk this morning; we've sold 500 units already.

BOOST bust

19 Jul 2023


  • to give extra energy or increase something, such as sales.
Example Sentence: They're hoping that the new ad campaign will boost sales.

PLAY DOWN pleɪ daʊn

12 Jul 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • make appear less serious.
Example Sentence: The manager played down the seriousness of the situation.

LOOK UP lʊk ʌp

11 Jul 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • look good for the future.
Example Sentence: After years of poor performance, things are finally beginning to look up.

PUT DOWN pʊt daʊn

10 Jul 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • add.
Example Sentence: You can put my name down on the list.

LEVEL OFF lɛvəl ɔf

09 Jul 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • stop increasing.
Example Sentence: Prices levelled off in mid-June.