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Workplace English Podcasts

BEP 10 – Describing Charts and Trends

03 Jul 2024

A good graph, diagram or chart can bring your presentation to life. Remember that "a picture can paint a thousand words".

Putting graphical information into words can be easy as long as you keep your sentence structure simple. In your reading, you will come across a great variety of words and expressions to describe trends. However, when you speak you should only use words whose meaning you are totally sure of. Use clear and familiar words at all times. Remember that your one objective in giving your presentation is to get your message across to your audience clearly and simply. Your objective is not to impress your audience with your extensive vocabulary.

First, you're going to listen to someone describing three different graphs during a presentation. Then we present the language and grammatical structures you need to accurately describe trends. After that, you can practice using the language by completing a number of exercises. And finally, we'll summarise the topic in our podcast lesson.


BEP 76: Conversation Techniques

BEP 58: Teleconferencing: Communication Problems

BEP 23: Questioning Techniques

BEP 94: Complimenting Someone at Work

BEP 63: Business Presentations - Referring to Visual Aids

BEP 73: Making Polite Requests

BEP 47: Business Presentations - Handling Questions

BEP 68: Telephoning - Checking Back and Confirming

BEP 09 - Reporting on Progress

BEP 80: Passing on Telephone Messages to Clients

BEP 28: Structuring a Business Presentation

BEP 49: Business Negotiations - Concluding a Deal

BEP 79: Small Talk with Colleagues

BEP 51: Talking About Your Work

BEP 03 - Controlling Business Meetings and Expressing Opinions

BEP 96: Speculating About the Past

BEP 35: Avoiding Communication Problems at Work

BEP 74: Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions

BEP 08 - Discussing Options in Meetings
