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Human Resources

DEPENDANT dɪˈpɛndənt

23 Jun 2024


  • A dependant is someone who depends on you for financial support, such as a child or family member who does not work.
Example Sentences: My pension will provide financial stability for my dependants.
The insurance provides coverage for workers and their dependants.

PRINCIPAL prɪnsəpəl

09 Jun 2024


  • A principal is the head of a school.
Example Sentences: The principal is in a meeting with the deputy-principal and senior teachers.

PERSONNEL pɜrsəˈnɛl

29 May 2024


  • Personnel means employees or staff.
Example Sentences: The personnel department looked after 100 employees.
If you want to apply for a job please contact the personnel department.

PERSONAL pɜrsənl

28 May 2024


  • Personal means individual or private - a letter that is only to be opened by the person it is addressed to may be marked 'personal'.
Example Sentences: She left the room to take a personal phone call.
The letter had 'personal' on the envelope so she didn’t open it.


04 May 2024


  • Course has many meanings, but the most common meaning is a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually resulting in an exam or qualification.
Example Sentences: Tim did a three-year course in linguistics at London University.
They're going away on a training course next week.

APTITUDE TEST æptɪˌtud tɛst

22 Dec 2023


  • a test which measures a person's ability to do a certain job.
Example Sentence: Candidates will be required to complete an aptitude test.

IN-HOUSE ɪnˌhaʊs

15 Nov 2023


  • provided or carried out by the company and not by an external contractor.
Example Sentence: We are arranging an in-house training course for managers.

DOWNSIZE daʊnˌsaɪz

11 Nov 2023


  • to reduce the size of a company or operation by shedding resources.
Example Sentence: The were forced to downsize due to increasing overheads.

DEMOTE dɪˈmoʊt

09 Nov 2023


  • to be moved to a position of lower status.
Example Sentence: He was demoted because of poor performance.

ASSIGN əˈsaɪn

02 Nov 2023


  • to give a particular job or task to somebody.
Example Sentence: The job of finding more seats for the event was assigned to Paul.

INCENTIVE ɪnˈsɛntɪv

10 Oct 2023


  • something that incites or encourages an action or greater effort.
Example Sentence: Many universities have started providing large incentives to encourage student enrolment.

STAFF TURNOVER stæf tɜrnˌoʊvər

10 Sep 2023


  • the rate with which employees leave and join a company.
Example Sentence: Morale is very low and so staff turnover is quite high.

REDUNDANT rɪˈdʌndənt

03 Sep 2023


  • not working, especially of a worker or factory.
Example Sentence: 500 workers were made redundant because of rising costs.

PERK pɜrk

29 Aug 2023


  • an added benefit of something, especially a job.
Example Sentence: The company car is just one of the perks of my new job.


28 Aug 2023


  • at the lowest level of an organisation (the first step of a ladder)
Example Sentence: I started working here on the first rung 30 years ago.