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BENEFICIARY bɛnəˈfɪʃiˌɛri

03 Feb 2025


  • the person who will receive something.
Example Sentence: I was the sole beneficiary in my father's will.


11 Jan 2025


  • to officially ask someone to do something for you.
Example Sentence: Leonardo was commissioned to make an altar piece in 1483 in the Church of S. Francesco Grande.

REGULATOR rɛgyəˌleɪtər

24 Dec 2024


  • an organisation or body that controls an area of industry and monitors its fair operation.
Example Sentence: The Spanish regulator has not released any details about the new tender for spectrums so far.

PURVEYOR pərˈveɪər

22 Dec 2024


  • a company that supplies goods or services.
Example Sentence: Although we've just entered the market, we'd like to become the number one purveyor of fine wines and rare spirits within a year.

ACQUISITION ækwəˈzɪʃən

04 Nov 2024


  • the activity when one company buys another one.
Example Sentence: Our company is planning to make acquisitions in the Far East for strategic reasons.


05 Sep 2024


  • Is when one company uses a different company to provide some product or service.
Example Sentence: British Airways outsources its in-flight catering to American firm Gate Gourmet.

FLOATED /floʊt/

20 Aug 2024


  • start selling shares in a business or company for the first time
Example Sentences: The company plans to float next year.
We floated on the stock exchange last year.

SUBSIDIARY /səbˈsɪdiˌɛri/

19 Aug 2024


  • a company which is owned by a larger company
Example Sentences: How many subsidiaries does Hutchison Whampoa have?
We set up a subsidiary in the UK.

MERGED /mɜrdʒ/

18 Aug 2024


  • If two companies merge, they join together to form a single company
Example Sentences: When did Glaxo Welcome and Smithkline Beecham merge?
We merged with X company in 1990.

FOUNDED /faʊnd/

17 Aug 2024


  • started, set up, established a company or organisation
Example Sentences: She founded the company with a $10,000 bank loan
We were founded in 1981.

PROVE pruv

17 Jun 2024


  • Prove is the verb form of the noun proof. To prove is to show that something is true.
Example Sentences: They suspected that she'd killed him but they could never actually prove that it was her.
Computers have been used to prove mathematical theorems.

PROOF pruf

16 Jun 2024


  • Proof is a noun and means a fact or piece of information which shows that something exists or is true.
Example Sentences: Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who stole the goods?
Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ɪntlˈɛktʃuəl prɒpərti

29 Nov 2023


  • something that somebody creates which has value, esp. music, art, text, etc.
Example Sentence: The designer claims that her intellectual property rights were infringed.


28 Nov 2023


  • an aggressive attempt by a company to buy control of another company.
Example Sentence: Their French rival has launched a hostile takeover bid.

CONSORTIUM kənˈsɔrʃiəm

26 Mar 2023


  • a group of companies that cooperate and share resources.
Example Sentence: The company is part of an international consortium.