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BREAK INTO /breɪk ɪntʊ/

08 Jul 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to start to use money that you have saved.
Example Sentence: I broke into my savings to buy a beautiful diamond engagement ring for my girlfriend.

DIP INTO /dɪp ɪntʊ/

07 Jul 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to spend part of your saved money.
Example Sentence: I've had to dip into my savings to pay for the repairs to the apartment.

PUT ASIDE /pʊt əˈsaɪd/

06 Jul 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to save money for a specific purpose.
Example Sentence: I put aside a little every month for a deposit on a house.

SAVE UP /seɪv ʌp/

05 Jul 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to keep money for a large expense in the future.
Example Sentence: It took me ages to save up enough money to go travelling.

PAY OFF peɪ ɒf

04 Jul 2024


  • to succeed, to yield good results.
Example Sentence: I hope that our plans for the new business will pay off.

PAY BACK /peɪ bæk/

03 Jul 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to return money owed to someone.
Example Sentence: Can you lend me $50? I'll pay you back tomorrow.

TIDE OVER /taɪd oʊvər/

02 Jul 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to help someone with money for a period of time until they have enough.
Example Sentence: Can you lend me some money to tide me over till the weekend?

BAIL OUT /beɪl aʊt/

01 Jul 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to help a person or organization out of a difficult financial situation.
Example Sentence: He bailed the company out in return for a 50% shareholding.

SCRAPE BY /skreɪp baɪ/

30 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to manage to live on very little money.
Example Sentence: He lost his job, so the family had to scrape by on $150 a week.

GET BY /gɛt baɪ/

29 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to have just enough money for your needs.
Example Sentences: How can he get by on so little money?
He earns just enough to get by.

COUGH UP /kɔf ʌp/

28 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to provide money for something you do not want.
Example Sentence:I've just had to cough up $50 for a parking fine.

FORK OUT /fɔrk aʊt/

27 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to pay for something, usually something you would rather not have to pay for.
Example Sentences: I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.
I couldn't persuade him to fork out for a new one.

RUN UP /rʌn ʌp/

26 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to do things which cause you to owe a large amount of money.
Example Sentence: She stayed two weeks at the hotel and ran up a bill which she couldn't pay.

SPLASH OUT /splæʃ aʊt/

25 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to spend a lot of money on something you don't need, but is very pleasant.
Example Sentence: When the city traders get their annual bonus, they splash out on everything from sports cars to luxury houses.

LAY OUT /leɪ aʊt/

24 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to spend money, especially a large amount.
Example Sentences: It's not every day you lay out $6000 on a holiday.
He's just laid out $3000 on a new HD television.