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RUN UP /rʌn ʌp/

26 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to do things which cause you to owe a large amount of money.
Example Sentence: She stayed two weeks at the hotel and ran up a bill which she couldn't pay.

SPLASH OUT /splæʃ aʊt/

25 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to spend a lot of money on something you don't need, but is very pleasant.
Example Sentence: When the city traders get their annual bonus, they splash out on everything from sports cars to luxury houses.

LAY OUT /leɪ aʊt/

24 Jun 2024

Phrasal Verb

  • to spend money, especially a large amount.
Example Sentences: It's not every day you lay out $6000 on a holiday.
He's just laid out $3000 on a new HD television.

DEPENDENT dɪˈpɛndənt

22 Jun 2024


  • If someone is dependent, they need the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating.
Example Sentences: He has three dependent children.
It's very easy to become dependent on sleeping pills.

HIGHER haɪər

20 Jun 2024


  • Higher is the comparative form of the common adjective high, which we are sure you are familiar with.
Example Sentences: Every year he moves higher up the company.
They may accept a slightly higher offer.

CURRANT kɜrənt

19 Jun 2024


  • A currant is a small black dried grape without seeds, used especially in cakes.
Example Sentences: The Christmas cake is full of currants.

CURRENT kɜrənt

18 Jun 2024


  • Current is an adjective meaning now or of the present time.
Example Sentences: Have you seen the current issue of Vogue magazine?
The word 'thou' is no longer in current use.

LATER leɪtər

15 Jun 2024


  • Later is the comparative form of the adjective late, meaning (happening or being) near the end of a period of time.
Example Sentences: Jenny said she'd be joining the meeting later.
He arrived a little later than expected.

LATTER lætər

14 Jun 2024


  • Latter is an adjective meaning near or towards the end of something.
Example Sentences: Building of the new library should begin in the latter part of next year.
In the latter stages of the fight he began to get tired.

FORMALLY fɔrməli

11 Jun 2024


  • Formally is an adverb based on the adjective formal, which describes language, clothes and behaviour that are serious and correct.
Example Sentences: He was formally dressed in a grey suit.
The head teacher greeted us very formally.

FORMERLY fɔrmərli

10 Jun 2024


  • Formerly is an adverb meaning in the past.
Example Sentences: The European Union was formerly called the European Community.
Hong Kong was formerly a British colony.

PRINCIPLE prɪnsəpəl

08 Jun 2024


  • A principle is a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works.
Example Sentences: The principle of democracy is important to Americans.
I agree with you in principle but I think it will be difficult to achieve in practice.


07 Jun 2024


  • A draught is a current of unpleasantly cold air blowing through a room. (confusingly in US English they use 'draft' to mean this).
Example Sentences: Can you shut the door? - there's a terrible draught coming through.

EXCEPT ɪkˈsɛpt

06 Jun 2024


  • Except is a preposition meaning not including or but not.
Example Sentences: The museum is open daily except Monday(s).
The government has few options except to keep interest rates high.


03 Jun 2024


  • If something is coarse, it is rude and offensive. Coarse can also be used to mean rough and not soft.
Example Sentences: My boss is always telling coarse jokes.
The sand is very coarse on this beach.