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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

TO LUBRICATE lubrɪˌkeɪt

21 Jan 2025


  • to make something run/operate more smoothly.
Example Sentence: The government intended to lubricate the financial wheels with the help of a series of measures.

TO DISRUPT dɪsˈrʌpt

21 Dec 2024


  • to interrupt the normal continuity of the operation of something; to cause disorder in something.
Example Sentence: The natural catastrophe disrupted commerce and business in general in the whole country.

FREELANCER /ˈfriˌlæn sər/

21 Nov 2024


  • a person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer
Example Sentences:The company employs a number of freelancers.
I work as a freelancer for a local newspaper.

INCENTIVE ɪnˈsɛntɪv

21 Oct 2024


  • something which encourages somebody to do something.
Example Sentence: The tax incentives are aimed at attracting more foreign business.

LIABILITIES laɪəˈbɪlɪti

21 Sep 2024


  • The debts and obligations of a company or an individual.
Example Sentences: The business has liabilities of $2 million.
If our liabilities increase further, we'll have to consider closing down the company.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE əˈkaʊnt peɪəbəl

21 Aug 2024


  • Is the amount that the company has been billed but has not yet paid. This is money owed to its regular business creditors from whom it has bought goods and services.
Example Sentences: You should keep an accounts payable ledger account for each supplier.
Expenses from the cash disbursements journal are, at the end of each day, posted to the appropriate accounts payable ledger.

INSUFFICIENT FUNDS /ɪnsəˈfɪʃənt fʌnd/

21 Jul 2024


  • not enough money in an account.
Example Sentences: The cheque was returned because of insufficient funds.

HIRE haɪər

21 Jun 2024


  • Hire is a verb meaning to pay to use something for a short period.
Example Sentences: How much would it cost to hire a car for a week?
You could always hire a dress for the party if you can't afford to buy one.


21 May 2024


  • If someone is given a golden handshake, usually a large payment is made to them when they leave their job, either when their employer has asked them to leave or when they are leaving at the end of their working life, as a reward for very long or good service in their job.
Example Sentences: Tim was forced to leave his job but he was given a very generous golden handshake.
He was given a golden handshake of US$1 million when he retired after working with the company for 40 years.

STAKEHOLDER /stāk′hōl′dər/

21 Apr 2024


  • Person, group, or organization that has direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can affect or be affected by the organization's actions, objectives, and policies. Key stakeholders in a business organization include creditors, customers, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources.
Example Sentences:As one of the major stakeholders in the company, we have three representatives on the board of directors.
Who is the biggest stakeholder in this company?

COVER kʌvər

21 Mar 2024


  • protect someone or something against loss, damage, accident, etc., by insurance.
Example Sentence: The policy covers employee and public liability, equipment loss, materials, and personal accidents.



BUSINESS CENTRE bɪznɪs sɛntə

21 Feb 2024


  • a room in a hotel where guests can use business facilities such as a computer, fax, printer, etc. for a fee.
Example Sentence: You send a fax from our business centre.



DEPARTURE dɪˈpɑrtʃər

21 Jan 2024


  • the act of leaving or going away.
Example Sentence: Departure time will be 3pm tomorrow. Please be packed and ready to leave!



ADVENT ædvɛnt

21 Dec 2023


  • the arrival of something that has been waited for a long time.
Example Sentence: The advent of affordable electric vehicles will help the environment.

COLLABORATE kəˈlæbəˌreɪt

21 Nov 2023


  • to work with somebody on a project or task.
Example Sentence: The two companies will collaborate to develop, produce and sell computers.