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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

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TRAVEL INSURANCE trævəl ɪnˈʃʊərəns

15 Mar 2024


  • insurance which covers travellers in foreign countries, usually covers medical expenses, sometimes additional expenses.
Example Sentence: Travellers insurance is very important when traveling in developing or developed countries.



POLICY TERMS pɒləsi tɜrms

14 Mar 2024


  • the details of a policy including exclusions and premium information; terms can also refer to the time frame that the policy covers or includes.
Example Sentence: The terms of this policy are clearly explained at our website.



INSURANCE BENEFITS ɪnˈʃʊərəns bɛnəfɪts

13 Mar 2024


  • the amount of money the policy will pay after a claim.
Example Sentence: The insurance benefits of this life insurance policy are paid up to $100,000.



DAMAGE EVENT dæmɪdʒ ɪˈvɛnt

12 Mar 2024


  • an event such as a natural disaster, car accident, or injury which causes damage to a person or to property.
Example Sentence: Before you can receive your benefits, you need to write a page detailing the damage event.


11 Mar 2024


  • send paperwork in which details an event in order to get money from the insurance company.
Example Sentence: Once a claim is filed, you will receive your benefits within 90 days.



CLAIM  kleɪm

10 Mar 2024


  • the filing of an accident, natural disaster or death in order to get money from insurance company.
Example Sentence: Have you filed a claim yet for that car accident?



BENEFICIARY ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃiˌɛri

09 Mar 2024


  • the person who will receive something.
Example Sentence: I was the sole beneficiary in my father's will.

ANNUAL PREMIUM ænyuəl primiəm

08 Mar 2024


  • the cost of the insurance paid every year.
Example Sentence: The annual premium is paid on the first of March.



QUARTERLY PREMIUM kwɔrtərli primiəm

07 Mar 2024


  • the cost of the insurance, paid every 3 months.
Example Sentence: The quarterly premium is the annual premium divided by four.



PREMIUM primiəm

06 Mar 2024


  • an amount to be paid for an insurance policy.
Example Sentence: My auto insurance premium increased by 25% this year because I had to make a claim last year.



POLICY GUIDE pɒləsi gaɪd

05 Mar 2024


  • a brochure (either paper or online) that details the company’s policies including benefits, policies and other information.
Example Sentence: The company sent me a policy guide that my husband and I read over carefully.



FIRE INSURANCE faɪər ɪnˈʃʊər əns

04 Mar 2024


  • insurance which covers a home in case of fire.
Example Sentence: Fire insurance premiums are generally higher if you live in an old house or apartment building.

THEFT INSURANCE θɛft ɪnˈʃʊər əns

03 Mar 2024


  • insurance which covers a home in case it is robbed or broken into by a thief.
Example Sentence: My computer and flat screen tv were both stolen and since I didn’t have theft insurance, I had to replace them both!

HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE hoʊmˌoʊ nərs ɪnˈʃʊər əns

02 Mar 2024


  • insurance which covers a person’s home in case of fire, flood, earthquakes, hurricanes, theft, etc.
Example Sentence: After the typhoon last year, I was so glad that I had opened a homeowners insurance policy!

LIFE INSURANCE laɪf ɪnˈʃʊər əns

01 Mar 2024


  • insurance which pays family members when the person insured dies; usually pays more if the person dies by accident.
Example Sentence: I am thinking about getting life insurance to protect my family in case of an accident.