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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

RETAIL CHAIN riteɪl tʃeɪn

19 Nov 2024


  • a number of similar shops or stores that sell products to the public.
Example Sentence: We have only one retail chain in our town. I've never liked them – the choice of dairy products on offer is really poor. I think some competition would do them good.

TO FACILITATE fəˈsɪlɪˌteɪt

18 Nov 2024


  • to make an activity, a process etc easier to happen.
Example Sentence: Do you think a new marketing campaign would facilitate increasing sales?

TO INFRINGE ɪnˈfrɪndʒ

17 Nov 2024


  • to violate/break a law, rule or regulation.
Example Sentence: If you infringe copyright regulations, you can expect a heavy fine.

FRAUD frɔd

16 Nov 2024


  • the act cheating somebody with the purpose of getting something (products, money etc) illegally.
Example Sentence: He was involved in a one billion dollar fraud.

BRICKS AND MORTAR brɪkənˈmɔrtər

15 Nov 2024


  • describing a business where customers can go when they want to buy something, as opposed to purely internet-based businesses.
Example Sentence: Operating a purely bricks-and-mortar business has several advantages, e.g. you don't have to pay the usual overheads like gas and heating.

FIERCE fɪərs

14 Nov 2024


  • aggressive, violent OR extremely active.
Example Sentences: He became unexpectedly fierce when he was informed he was going to be dismissed.
There has always been fierce competition between our companies, but in our private lives we are best of friends.

BRAINSTORM breɪnˌstɔrm

13 Nov 2024


  • to think together as a team, often in order to come up with a solution to a particular problem.
Example Sentence: Although we have been brainstorming for weeks, we haven't been able to find a good way of getting ahead of our competitors so far – we might need to invite an expert to help.

LAW-ABIDING lɔəˌbaɪdɪŋ

12 Nov 2024


  • respecting the law.
Example Sentence: We are all law-abiding citizens. However, in business sometimes we have to interpret certain regulations in a bit more flexible way in order to remain profitable in the current crisis

ESPIONAGE ɛspiəˌnɑʒ

11 Nov 2024


  • the activity of secretly acquiring information about another company/competitor/country etc in order to gain an unfair advantage.
Example Sentence: Industrial espionage has always been a real threat in this country, and things don't seem to be improving under the new regulations either.

TO STIFLE staɪfəl

10 Nov 2024


  • To prevent something from happening.
Example Sentence: The strong yen stifles economic growth.

TO SATURATE (a market) sætʃəˌreɪt

09 Nov 2024


  • to fill a market with a certain product to such an extent that no new customer can be found.
Example Sentence: I'm afraid we've saturated the market of event organizers. Next year we'll have to diversify in order to retain the potential for growth.

TO SKYROCKET skaɪˌrɒkɪt

08 Nov 2024


  • if share prices, market prices, wages etc SKYROCKET, they rise really quickly and to a high level.
Example Sentence: We only managed to survive last year because share prices in this sector unexpectedly skyrocketed and it saved us from going bust.


07 Nov 2024


  • to make an official/serious promise to do something.
Example Sentence: The minister pledged to support the reconstruction of the old town despite the financial crisis.

TO EMBEZZLE ɛmˈbɛzəl

06 Nov 2024


  • to steal money that belongs to your employer.
Example Sentence: The bank's manager was able to embezzle thousands of dollars from his employer.

TO INFILTRATE ɪnˈfɪltreɪt

05 Nov 2024


  • to enter an organization/company secretly in order to gain information about it or cause harm to it.
Example Sentence: The company was infiltrated by Russian agents who stole the description of the new technology.