When you answer the telephone in a business, you are interacting with a customer. Every telephone call you make at work gives you an opportunity to strengthen a customer relationship.
TIP You should allow from 4 to 6 rings before you assume the person you are calling is not going to answer. |
TIP When you receive a call, answer on the first or second ring. In business, the ring of the telephone is not simply an interruption. Answering the telephone is an integral part of your job. |
TIP Call transfers are very common. Be sure you know the proper process on your system. Customers who are lost in transfer may become lost business as well. |
TIP Most people don't like being on hold. Be sure you ask the party if he/she wants to hold. Then check back every 30 seconds to confirm that hold or offer to take a message. Never leave a caller on hold. |
TIP It is an unpleasant surprise. Be especially careful in handling the receiver. Your telephone partner will appreciate it. |
TIP Don't eat, drink or chew gum during a conversation. Such sounds are not always pleasant. |
TIP You probably imagined the person was not organized or was not very businesslike. Since you always want to make a positive telephone impression, be ready for action. |
TIP Telephone tag means two parties try to get in touch by leaving phone messages and attempting callbacks. It's become an annoying fact of business life. If you promise to call back at a certain time, make that call. Likewise, if you've promised to be available at a certain time to receive a call, be there. |
TIP The person who made the original call makes the second call to resume an interrupted conversation. The person who received the original call should hang up immediately when the call is disrupted to enable the other party to call back. |