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When welcoming a visitor to your office, you should offer to take their coat or umbrella (if they have one), offer them a seat, and offer them something to drink. There are a number of ways of making offers in English. The common ones start with these phrases:

Would you like ...?
Would you like me to ...?
Can I get you ...?


Let's look at how each of these phrases is used in context:


Would you like something to drink?
Would you like any coffee or tea?
Would you like a cold drink?
Would you like to take a seat?
Would you like a magazine to read while you wait?

Would you like me to take your umbrella?
Would you like me to get you a magazine to read?
Would you like me to get you a drink?

Can I get you any tea or coffee?
Can I get you some water?
Can I get you a cold drink?


Choose the most appropriate phrase to suit the context in which the offer is made.

