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Analysis of Business Documents 26
Analysis of Business Documents 27
Analysis of Business Documents 28
Analysis of Business Documents 31
Analysis of Business Documents 32
Analysis of Business Documents 33
Analysis of Business Documents 34
Analysis of Business Documents 35
Analysis of Business Documents 36
Analysis of Business Documents 37
Analysis of Business Documents 38
Analysis of Business Documents 39
Analysis of Business Documents 40
Analysis of Business Documents 41
Analysis of Business Documents 42
Analysis of Business Documents 43
Asking for and Confirming Information: Functional Language Reference Sheet
Asking for and Confirming Information Podcast Lesson Script BEP: 38
Asking for and Confirming Information Podcast Lesson Script BEP: 38
Asking for and Confirming Information, Sample Dialogue 1
Asking for and Confirming Information, Sample Dialogue 2
Asking for and Confirming Information, Sample Dialogue 3
Asking for and Confirming Information, Sample Dialogue 4
Asking for and Confirming Information, Dialogue 1
Asking for and Confirming Information, Dialogue 2
Asking for and Confirming Information, Podcast Lesson BEP 38
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Dialogue 1 Transcript
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Dialogue 2 Transcript
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Dialogue 3 Transcript
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Dialogues 1 to 3 Comprehension Exercises
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Functional Language
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions: Key Words and Expressions Exercise
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Dialogue 1 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Dialogue 2 Transcript
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Dialogue 3 Transcript
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Study Notes / Podcast Lesson Trancript (BEP83)
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Podcast Lesson mp3 audio file (BEP83)
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Practice Exercises
Telephone Communication Problems Part 2 (an Unclear Message) - Dialogue 1 Transcript and Vocabu
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 1 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 2 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 3 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 4 Transcript
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 5 Transcript
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file