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Ticket #58
Contact Information
User Name: cdurcan
Fullname: WETE Support Team
Start Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 5:45 AM
Close Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 7:02 AM
Ticket Information
Title: Java exercises not displaying
Some of the exercises, especially the older ones in Workplace English Training E-Platform, show up as a blank box. How can I get these exercises to display?
2010-03-25 07:02:42 admin
Status: NEW --> CLOSED
If certain exercises are not displaying, you are missing the necessary software on your computer to view them. Our older exercises use Javascript. If you cannot see a Javascript exercise (you may see only the frame), a Javascript icon should flash in the bottom right hand corner of your browser. The follow these instructions: 1) Click on the Javascript icon and follow the link to the free software download page. 2) Download and install the software (just follow the on-screen instructions). 3) Refresh the page you were on. 4) The Javascript exercise will display. Our newer exercises (from January 2009) use Flash. Your computer will notify you if you don't have Flash installed once you enter a page with Flash. Then follow these instructions: 1) Follow the Flash link to the free software download. 2) You will be prompted to download the latest Flash version. 3) Click the download button. 4) The software will install automatically. 5) Refresh the page you were on. 6) The Flash exercise will display. Regards WETE Support Team Workplace English Training E-Platform