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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 


20 Jan 2025

Phrasal Verb

  • to not get a deal/business because a competitor has offered better conditions/lower prices etc and thus got it
Example Sentence: Artists of the music and film industry are losing out to piracy so it's a question of life and death to work out ways in which to get back at least some of the revenues.

TO QUADRUPLE kwɒˈdrupəl

19 Jan 2025


  • to become four times bigger.
Example Sentence: Sales of this particular product have quadrupled in the past 2 months owing to the especially successful marketing campaign.

CASUAL WORK kæʒuəl wɜrk

18 Jan 2025


  • work that is not permanent, with no obligation for the employer to provide the usual employment conditions such as sick leave.
Example Sentence: Casual jobs which last for a few days only are available throughout the year in my favourite country, New Zealand.

LAISSEZ-FAIRE lɛseɪ ˈfɛr

17 Jan 2025


  • a style of management when the manager sets the task and then allows the employees to complete it with more or less independence and with only a minimal involvement from his side.
Example Sentence: The laissez-faire management style of the CEO really inspires colleagues and spurs growth.


16 Jan 2025


  • to get something as a result of an activity.
Example Sentence: The German car maker expects to reap 56% of its profits in Asia next year.


15 Jan 2025


  • a type of advertisement when a product or service is popularized because people tell each other about it and not because they read about it or watch adverts on TV.
Example Sentence: Experts say that word-of-mouth advertising is much more influential than any other form of publicity because it is more genuine.

BANDWAGON bændˌwægən

14 Jan 2025


  • an activity or popular view that a lot of people join or share, usually because it is fashionable; a current trend .
Example Sentence: Among others a lot of brand-name sports companies have jumped on the Japanese tsunami bandwagon and campaign with it.

TO PIGEONHOLE pɪdʒənˌhoʊl

13 Jan 2025


  • to categorise somebody, to label somebody.
Example Sentence: Almost everybody gets pigeonholed for one reason or another. My boss, for example, thinks I am the one who is always late, although I only miss my train to work every second week.


12 Jan 2025


  • to be able to understand and react to any situation or fact quickly.
Example Sentence: Although the new marketing manager is really on the ball, the CEO doesn't like her. He must be jealous – she is much younger and probably much more talented than he is.


11 Jan 2025


  • to officially ask someone to do something for you.
Example Sentence: Leonardo was commissioned to make an altar piece in 1483 in the Church of S. Francesco Grande.


10 Jan 2025


  • the total value of all the services and goods produced by a certain country a year including the income from abroad.
Example Sentence: Why should we be happy when our GNP increases?' It is a question every economist can answer very easily.

PRODUCT PLACEMENT prɒdəkt pleɪsmənt

09 Jan 2025


  • a form of advertisement where a particular (branded) product can be seen e.g. in the background of a television programme or in a film as part of the set i.e. not in an advertising context.
Example Sentence: Our national television finally accepted paid product placement saying that this is a global marketing trend, after all, common in other countries.

DAMAGES dæmɪdʒ

08 Jan 2025


  • the money/compensation you get if someone/something has caused you injury or harm.
Example Sentence: My company seeks EUR 10,000 in damages from our competitor since they've obviously copied the basic features of our best selling product.

GROUND-BREAKING graʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ

07 Jan 2025


  • pioneering.
Example Sentence: His ground-breaking study on the role of fringe benefits in motivating workforce came out in 1981.

TO FLOP flɒp

06 Jan 2025


  • to fail completely.
Example Sentence: Their new line of dishwashers flopped in Asia because they did not take into account size differences.