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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

LIABLE laɪəbəl

19 Feb 2025


  • likely to happen.
Example Sentence: Interest rates are liable to rise if market conditions don't change.

TO QUADRUPLE kwɒˈdrupəl

19 Jan 2025


  • to become four times bigger.
Example Sentence: Sales of this particular product have quadrupled in the past 2 months owing to the especially successful marketing campaign.


19 Dec 2024


  • to stop taking part in something or doing something.
Example Sentence: Air Asia withdrew its flights from Heathrow Airport in October.

RETAIL CHAIN riteɪl tʃeɪn

19 Nov 2024


  • a number of similar shops or stores that sell products to the public.
Example Sentence: We have only one retail chain in our town. I've never liked them – the choice of dairy products on offer is really poor. I think some competition would do them good.

MORTGAGE mɔrgɪdʒ

19 Oct 2024


  • An agreement which allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house or an apartment.
Example Sentence: Banks are now being a lot more cautious about who they lend money to. It’s getting much more difficult to arrange a mortgage on a property.

INSIDER ɪnˈsaɪdər

19 Sep 2024


  • All those who have access to inside information concerning the company.
Example Sentence: Carlson knows an insider in the company who's willing to pass him confidential information about the company's performance.

SUBSIDIARY /səbˈsɪdiˌɛri/

19 Aug 2024


  • a company which is owned by a larger company
Example Sentences: How many subsidiaries does Hutchison Whampoa have?
We set up a subsidiary in the UK.


19 Jul 2024


  • to record money subtracted from an account.
Example Sentence: His account was debited a $4.00 service charge.

CURRANT kɜrənt

19 Jun 2024


  • A currant is a small black dried grape without seeds, used especially in cakes.
Example Sentences: The Christmas cake is full of currants.


19 May 2024


  • To do a roaring trade is to sell a lot of goods very quickly.
Example Sentences: The product has been a great success. We're doing a roaring trade in it.
It was a hot sunny day and the ice-cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.

ORDER BACKLOG /ôr′dər bak lôg′/

19 Apr 2024


  • Value of unfulfilled orders, or the number of unprocessed jobs, on a given day. While a backlog indicates the workload that is beyond the production capacity of a department or firm, it also serves as a pointer toward the firm's future sales revenue and earnings.
Example Sentences:We have an order backlog of about $670,000.
Due to a large order backlog, all orders are currently delayed by about two weeks.

INSURANCE ASSESSMENT nˈʃʊərəns əˈsɛsmən

19 Mar 2024


  • the analysis done by the insurer to determine the specific costs of a claim.
Example Sentence: The assessment of these expenses will take approximately 2 weeks.



EXECUTIVE SUITE ɪgˈzɛkyətɪv swit

19 Feb 2024


  • a large, luxury room in a hotel often including a separate bedroom and living room.
Example Sentence: The executive suite is located on the top floor of the hotel beside the health spa.



ACCOMMODATION əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən

19 Jan 2024


  • a place where people can live or sleep.
Example Sentence: We have not decided on our accommodation yet. We might stay with friends, in a hotel or maybe even rent a cottage!



TURNAROUND tɜrnəˌraʊnd

19 Dec 2023


  • an improvement following poor performance.
Example Sentence: The impressive sales figures are a dramatic turnaround for the company.