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Audio Presentations / Lessons
Makaing Polite Requests - Functional Language mp3 audio file
Making Polite Requests - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Making Polite Requests - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Making Polite Requests - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Making Polite Requests - Dialogue 4 mp3 audio file
Making Polite Requests - Dialogue 5 mp3 audio file
Making Polite Requests - Dialogue 6 mp3 audio file
Making Polite Requests - Podcast Lesson mp3 audio file (BEP73)
Introducing Yourself at Work - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Introducing Yourself at Work - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Introducing Yourself at Work - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Introducing Yourself at Work - Podcast Lesson mp3 audio file (BEP78)
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Expressing the Future and Future Certainty - Podcast Lesson mp3 audio file (BEP83)
Accepting and Refusing Business Invitations - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Accepting and Refusing Business Invitations - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Accepting and Refusing Business Invitations - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Accepting and Refusing Business Invitations - Dialogue 4 mp3 audio file
Accepting and Refusing Business Invitations - Functional Language mp3 audio file
Accepting and Refusing Business Invitations - Podcast Lesson (BEP88) mp3 audio file
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 4 mp3 audio file
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Dialogue 5 mp3 audio file
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Functional Language mp3 audio file
Expressing Opinions and Agreement - Podcast Lesson (BEP91) mp3 audio file
Making Comparisions - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Making Comparisions - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Making Comparisions - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Making Comparisions - Podcast Lesson mp3 audio file (BEP53)
Expressing Likes, Dislikes and Preferences - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Expressing Likes, Dislikes and Preferences - Functional Language mp3 audio file
Expressing Likes, Dislikes and Preferences - Podcast Lesson (BEP13) mp3 audio file
Expressing Agreement and Disagreement - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Expressing Agreement and Disagreement - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Expressing Agreement and Disagreement - Podcast Lesson (BEP24) mp3 audio file
Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions - Dialogue 3 Transcript
Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions - Functional Language mp3 audio file
Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions - Podcast Lesson (BEP74)
Clarifying and Confirming Verbal Instructions - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Clarifying and Confirming Verbal Instructions - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Clarifying and Confirming Verbal Instructions - Podcast Lesson (BEP42) mp3 audio file