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Customer Service Skills
Handling Customer Complaints: Podcast Lesson mp3 audio file (BEP98)
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 1 Comprehension Exercise
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 1 Transcript
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 2 Comprehension Exercise
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 2 Transcript
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 3 Transcript
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 4 Transcript
Handling Customer Complaints - Exercises
Handling Customer Complaints - Functional Language Reference Sheet
Handling Customer Complaints - Study Notes / Podcast Lesson Transcript (BEP98)
Handling Customer Complaints - Further Study Notes
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Handling Customer Complaints - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 1 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 2 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 3 Transcript
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 4 Transcript
Strategy for Customer Service - Dialogue 4 mp3 audio file
Strategy for Customer Service - Podcast Lesson mp3 audio file (BEP77)
Strategy for Customer Service - Study Notes / Podcast Lesson Transcript (BEP77)
Strategy for Customer Service - Practice Exercises
Strategy for Customer Service - Six-Step Strategy for Customer Service
Handling Difficult Requests - Dialogue 1 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Handling Difficult Requests - Dialogue 2 Transcript
Handling Difficult Requests - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Handling Difficult Requests - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Handling Difficult Requests - Functional Language Reference Sheet
Handling Difficult Requests - Functional Language mp3 audio file
Handling Difficult Requests - Podcast Lesson (BEP92) mp3 audio file
Handling Difficult Requests - Study Notes / Podcast Lesson Transcript (BEP92)
Handling Difficult Requests - Practice Exercise
Basic Customer Service Vocabulary in Context - Dialogue 1 Transcript
Basic Customer Service Vocabulary in Context - Dialogue 2 Transcript
Basic Customer Service Vocabulary in Context - Dialogue 3 Transcript
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 1 mp3 audio file
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 2 mp3 audio file
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 3 mp3 audio file
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 4 mp3 audio file
Dealing with Angry Customers - Podcast Lesson (BEP26) mp3 audio file
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 1 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 2 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 3 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary
Dealing with Angry Customers - Dialogue 4 Transcript and Vocabulary Glossary